Light the Spark

Light the Spark

We will certainly miss seeing all of you at IMTS, but we have a new place to connect—IMTS Spark. The digital platform, put together by the same team who brings us IMTS, will house the latest manufacturing advancements, sessions with industry experts, educational sessions and networking opportunities.  

Visit BIG KAISER’s showroom and watch exclusive videos, download articles and get Spark-only promotions.   

In October, BIG KAISER will participate in the conference sessions. John Zaya, BIG KAISER workholding product manager, and Charlie Mitchell, manufacturing engineer at Andretti Autosport, will present Race Team Hits the Mark with the Help of Workholding System. Machining accounts for only a portion of the time involved when moving a part from concept to reality. Design, engineering, programming and setting up a job take a majority of the time. But when you’re a machinist in a race shop with multiple drivers in five different racing series, time is not on your side. Discover how Charlie Mitchell uses a workholding system to shave 70-80% off his setup times. 

In addition to the conference session, live demos will be available at a later date so stay tuned.

Click here to check out the BIG KAISER IMTS Spark showroom today.

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