The Extensive Purposes and Application Method of Cutting Fluid

Have you ever felt that why liquid is sprinkled during metal cutting? No? Well, don’t worry. Our article would guide you to have a detailed idea about cutting fluid which you can get from any reputed metal cutting coolant cutting oil supplier in Dubai UAE.

What is Cutting Fluid?

While discussing the purposes and application method of cutting fluids, it is crucial to know what these fluids actually are. Cutting fluids are nothing but a category of oil that are used as lubricant or coolant. These oils are generally used for better cutting conditions well as longer lifespan of the tools. These oils can be both gaseous or liquid in form.

Purpose of Applying Cutting Fluids

In our previous blogs we discussed what are the extensive benefits of cutting fluids. But have you know why cutting fluids are applied during any metal machining? Most of us only know that cutting fluids are applied as coolant. Yes, though this is true indeed, cutting fluids have so many other functions too. What are they? Let’s see.

Make the Tools Cool

The first reason for the use of cutting fluids is making the relevant tools cool. With the assistance of cutting fluid, the friction between the tools and workpiece can be reduced. Cutting fluid can also minimise the heat generated during the cutting process. In this way, using cutting fluids can expand the lifespan of the device too. Usin sitt fluid can make the surface of the device smoot and can deter metallurgical damage.

Better Lubrucation

The next reason behind the use of cutting fluids is better lubrication. Cutting oils promote better lubrication as they can easily chip on the workpiece.

Used As Cleaners

Many of us don’t know that cutting fluids are used as cleaners or washing agent too. Applying cutting fluids on the metal machining workstation can easily clear the workstation area of there is any pollutant inside. Cleaning the workstation perfectly is very crucial as it can results in uneven cutting of metal pieces.

Properties of Cutting Fluid

Every material in industrial sector had certain qualities and their features decide how they would perform in their respective sectors. Cutting fluid is also a no exception as it also includes a myriad range of properties that determine how these fluids will work.

  • A cutting fluid should include low viscosity so that it can easily float above the workpiece.
  • A cutting fluid should have a non-foaming propensity.
  • A cutting fluid should also be steady at very high temperatures.
  • A cutting fluid also should contain a very high flash point so that it can be utilised at extremely high temperatures.
  • As we cited earlier that cutting fluids are used as lubricants for driving frictions, these fluids should include excellent lubricating capacity.
  • Cutting fluids also should have a high heat absorption capacity.
  • Since used as coolant, cutting fluids should be completely odourless, transparent, and chemically inactive for the better safety of the operarors. For safety equipment like PU coated gloves in UAE, contact a resulted seller.

Nomination of Cutting Oil

When we talk about the selection of cutting oil, it may seem like an easy topic. But in reality, it is entirely the opposite. Choosing any industrial component is tough. Additionally, when there are countless variants, the choice would become tougher. Cutting fluids are also available in multiple form and qualities, hence choosing the right one could be difficult. So what to do? The answer is simple. Following some simple steps can make the entire procedure very easy and effective. What are they? Let’s take a quick look.

  • While selecting a cutting fluid majorly concentrate on the job material along with a tool material. If both materials do not match with each others, they can create huge obstacles in effective metal machining process.
  • The next factor that you should consider while choosing a cutting fluid is the category of metal machining procedure that is going to be performed. Metal working can be varied in terms of process, quality and production. So always focus on the matter that the fluid you choose should be effective for your required metal working process.
  • Last but not the least, consider the cooling effect while buying cutting fluids. This is because cuttings fluids mainly work as coolant and if they won’t absorb the heat production, there would be no meaning in choosing them. So consider this factor deeply when you are about to choose cutting fluids.


So, as of now you can get an idea about what are the application of cutting fluids and their properties. With CI or brass use dry fluid, with copper use turpentine, with aluminium use kerosene, with steel use soluble cutting fluid, with hard steel use waterless cutting fluid or mineral oil. For further queries, contact us for sure.

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